Affiliated Networks

UC Berkeley. Affiliation: Founding Faculty Director, Chief Scientist
Via its Sutardja Center, UC Berkeley is known for developing the Berkeley Method, an internationally recognized approach to teaching technology entrepreneurship to undergraduates, innovation to Ph.D. students, and technology firm leadership to professionals and executives. We help students develop entrepreneurial mindsets, leverage proven frameworks, and build their networks at Berkeley. 

IE School of Science & Technology. Affiliation: Dean & Professor
The IE School of Science and Technology is a next-generation polytechnic that is entrepreneurially driven, fully international, and among the most industry-connected institutions in the world.  IE Sci-TEch is a founding member of Rise Europe and a Global Partner with UC Berkeley SCET.

Rise Europe. Affiliation: Founding Member
Rise Europe unites leading start-up ecosystem builders from 13 European countries. It brings together outstanding individuals and innovation drivers of Europe’s most dynamic entrepreneurship hubs. Addressing transitions and global challenges such as climate crisis and resource scarcity demands a joint effort to support start-ups and create a safe, prosperous, and future-oriented society.

Tech Catalyst Faculty Network. Affiliation: Founding Faculty Chair
The Tech Catalyst network includes faculty from UC Berkeley, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, University of Melbourne, Technical University of Denmark, Lund University Sweden, UnternehmerTUM GmbH Germany, UNIST, Korea, and other leading Universities.